How To Choose Typical Products For Testing Haemoconcentrators And Bilirubin Plasma Hemoperfutor Products?


Typical products should be the products that can contain all raw materials and components, have the most complex structure, have the highest risk, and have the usage performance that can cover all models of the product under application, for conducting full­item test. For the haemoconcentrators, a full-item test should be performed at least on the model with the largest membrane surface area, and the physical performance of the model with the smallest membrane surface area should then be tested. For the bilirubin plasma hemoperfutor, a full-item test should be performed at least on the model with the largest packing volume of adsorbent, and the physical performance of the model with the smallest packing volume of adsorbent should then be tested. If the product contains multiple components, all components should be tested, especially those with special structure and performance; after completing the test on typical product, other models can be tested for differences.