What Should Be Focus Of The Performance Studies Of PMMA Bone Cement Products At Least?


The performance studies of PMMA bone cement products should focus on the performance studies of powders and liquids, and the performance studies of the final product after mixing the powders and liquids, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Study on the components and ratios of the powder and liquid, the morphology and particle size distribution of the powder components;
  2. Molecular weight, such as viscosity-average molecular weight, number-average molecular weight/weight-average molecular weight;
  3. Polymer structure, such as graft, linear or copolymerization;
  4. Physical properties, such as porosity, shrinkage, water absorption, etc.;
  5. The stability of components, such as aging caused by liquid absorption and polymerization, changes in liquid viscosity after being heated, changes (aging) in benzoyl peroxide;
  6. Evaluation of monomer residues, such as the amount of monomers precipitated during and after polymerization, the amount of residual monomers after polymerization, and the safety evaluation of monomer residues toxicity;
  7. The study of dynamic and static mechanical properties of product considering the applicable site of patients;
  8. Study on the polymerization of powder and liquid mixture of PMMA bone cement during the intended use.